Activity Finder

Hundreds of free or low-cost activities in Merton to choose from

Find your #BoroughofSport

This activity finder is brought to you by Merton Council, with support from Cappagh. 

Working to become London’s Borough of Sport, Merton Council is creating and supporting new ways for every resident to embrace their way of moving more.

Mission 1:

Everyone in Merton, no matter their background, has the opportunity to be active and access sport and physical activity.

Borough of Sport Merton
Borough of Sport Merton

Mission 2:

Merton will be the natural home of sport in London, and will protect, preserve, and grow our sporting heritage.​

Mission 3:

Merton will have a thriving sports and leisure economy that benefits the local community.

Borough of Sport Merton
Borough of Sport Merton

Explore The City

London is a beautiful city with lots to see and do. By getting active, you can explore the city in a new way, discovering new parks, neighbourhoods, and landmarks that you might not have seen before.

Get Active Merton

Improved physical health

including reducing the risk of heart disease, stroke, and diabetes, and improving strength and flexibility.

Better mental

with exercise helping to reduce stress, anxiety, and depression.


with opportunities to meet new people and form friendships through sports teams, fitness classes, and running clubs.

Exploring the city in a new way

discovering new parks, neighbourhoods, and landmarks.

You’re in Great Company

Our Partners

Get Active - Powered By London Sport